Entity and Event Models: Rules and Patterns Group papers

 “A great asset to understanding of architecture, methodologies and many other things.”



This material was originally written between 1995 and 2000, and intended to become a book or booklets.

Some diagrams may not display when read via a browser, so to request papers in a readable form please email here.









Home page


Business rules

Entity model patterns

Event model patterns

Introduction and manifesto

Business rules – an introduction

Our business rules method w examples

Other business rules methods

Notes on Models

Notes on Model-Driven Analysis

Entity Model patterns (pdf)


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same as Word doc chapters below


Word format, without some diagrams

1.     Introduction and manifesto

2.     Business rules in entity models

3.     Entity model patterns and transformations

4.     Recursive entity model shapes

5.     Class hierarchies

6.     Aggregate entities

7.     After thoughts about entity models

Event Model Patterns (pdf)


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same as Word doc chapters below


Word format, without some diagrams

1.     Introduction and manifesto

2.     Rules and Patterns in Event Models

3.     Entity Life History Patterns

4.     Notes on Event-Driven Analysis