Architecture Frameworks: TOGAF, ArchiMate, Zachman & DoDAF

 “This is important work. It sits above EA. It sits above General System Theory and Socio-Cultural System Thinking as well.

It clarifies many things, including the need to modify both ArchiMate and TOGAF in order to more usefully combine the two.” Web site reader

TOGAF® and ArchiMate® are registered trademarks of The Open Group. This page includes references to the TOGAF and ArchiMate standards at








                       Home page

"In all cases, it is expected that the architect will adapt and build on the framework to define a tailored method”. (TOGAF 9)


ADM process in 1 graphic

ADM essence in 1 page

TOGAF structures in 1 table


Process & techniques

Content & products

Structures & patterns

ADM process details

ADM guidelines & techniques

Architecture levels in TOGAF and elsewhere

TOGAF building blocks & services

More on building blocks and services

TOGAF functions, capabilities, value streams

TOGAF meta model with attributes

The Enterprise Continuum

The two Reference Models

ArchiMate 3.0

Introduction to ArchiMate

TOGAF with ArchiMate Slide Shows

Issues arising

Element box symbols

Relationship line symbols

Components and client-server layering

TOGAF diagrams using ArchiMate

TOGAF-ArchiMate alignment

TOGAF business arch. w ArchiMate

Sequence diagrams

Interactions & collaborations Slides  Paper

The need for a more controlled vocabulary


More on TOGAF

More on business architecture

More discussion

TOGAF’s view of enterprise architecture

TOGAF and VDML terminologies

TOGAF uses of abstraction 

TOGAF metaphysics

Business Architecture in 16 slides

Business and data architecture

Business functions and processes

TOGAF’s business architecture approach

Making sense of TOGAF

Show me a TOGAF example

Why Architects need more

Capabilities as formalised social systems

The confusing entanglement of architecture dimensions

More discussion

More about TOGAF and ArchiMate concepts

More about TOGAF

Deeper research

TOGAF-ArchiMate alignment


Terminology issues

Lewis Carroll on TOGAF

TOGAF reference charts

TOGAF patterns for specification

TOGAF patterns for ADM

TOGAF rationale

1: Encapsulate behind interfaces
2: Behaviours are time bound
3: Structures are space bound
4: Data conveys meaning
5: Models are abstractions
6: Things are typified




DoDAF distilled

Zachman Framework

What is an architecture framework?

General system theory

DoDAF as system design

DoDAF terms & concepts

DoDAF viewpoints & models

DoDAF remarks

On the Zachman Framework

On the thinking behind the ZF


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